Personal Injury Layer Leads. businessmarketinghelp.org/personalinjury Get GEO Conquest Attorney Leads from your Local Emergency Rooms. Because although not everyone that visits the emergency room will become a client, every one of your clients have visited an emergency room! Cobb and Cobb is a personal injury law firm they're looking to find prospects who have recently been injured either in the workplace an auto accident or other injuries that may be due to the negligence of others and need to be handled by their firm they target five nearby emergency rooms to show ads to everyone who has entered the hospital to offer their legal services this is a good target to market for those who have been injured and their families who may be in the waiting rooms for the extended period of time and might need assistance we show them ads starting the following day on their mobile phones home and work computers a certain number of those injured will reach out to Cobb & Cobb for their assistance by determining where your prospects visitt before needing your services we can get your marketing message in front of them at the exact time they're needing you to poke them to see how this can help your business just click the link below to schedule a call or fill out a simple form and one of our team members will be in touch you. Get Legal Leads for Personal Injury Attorneys in Your City Today! This is a First Come First Serve Basis & Once You Are In Our System No One Else Can Target Your Locations With Our Technology! #GEOConquest #GEOConquesting #GEOConquestLeads #PersonalInjuryLeads Here is How it Works: Target 5 locations of your choice. Via agreements with over 180,000 apps on the Android and Apple platforms, we capture the unique Advertising ID of the user’s device. (Every phone has this.) We “PIN” the phone, and immediately begin targeting the user with your banner ads. Once the target device is pinned, ads show whether they are inside the targeted zone or not. Your banner ads follow then wherever they go. Not just on their phone, but also on their home or work computer, and even their tablet. Your targets are EXCLUSIVE to you. No other business can target the locations you choose as long as you have them. This is the most highly targeted ad campaign you could ever run. You are advertising to people already interested in your services, as they are targeted while visiting your competitor, seeking to buy the same service or product you provide – who could be a better target than that? Get Exclusive Personal Injury Leads for Your Law Firm Today! How Geo Conquesting Works: Geo Targeting – A geo-targeting technology is used to trigger when a mobile phone enters a designated location. Once this happens an application that resides on their phone is contacted by us to retrieve the mobile phone’s Advertising ID. Collecting Advertising ID’s – Each time someone enters the geo-targeted area, we have a technology that can get the Advertising ID from mobile phones. This includes both iPhones and Android phones. This is special because Advertising ID’s can only be obtained by having an application installed on their mobile phone. An agreement with 180,000 applications on both the Android Play Store and the Apple App Store allow us to get these Advertising ID’s using their apps. Apps like Google Maps and other major application are some of these included in this agreement. Cross Device Retargeting – Advertising ID’s are then collected, tracked, cataloged and sent to a demand side platform where we can then retarget those were in the geo targeted areas. A special process using 3rd party services allow us to know which computers are connected to the home and work computers that they use. This is done through processes such as logging into a bank account. If a person has a banking application on their phone and logs in with their username and password the bank can tell it was from their mobile app. Later if that same person logs in with their username / password on their home or work computer the bank also knows this and ties the mobile login information with the computer information. This ties the mobile phone with the other computers the user uses. They then let us use this information to place your ads on their mobile phones, work, and home computers. Check out more of our videos & subscribe to our videos here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNEDq_JSMOY
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