Last month, I shared a free printable saints coloring book for August. Every month through next July, I’ll be sharing another new saints coloring book. The rest will be free just for email subscribers or available for a very small amount. But, what if you don’t want to wait? You’re in luck! Right now, you can get the whole year of printable saints coloring books at once!
This bundle is a great way to get ahold of all of the saints coloring books right now, rather than waiting for each month to be released. It’s quick and easy, with no need to wait. It’s also a great option if you’d rather just purchase the saints coloring books, rather than subscribe to the Real Life at Home email list.
If you’d rather wait and you want to make sure you don’t miss when the newest versions come out (as well as lots of other great free printables, including some that are exclusive for subscribers), you might want to subscribe to the Real Life at Home weekly newsletter:
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Each of the 12 Saints Coloring Book Printables has a cover that can be colored and then includes six coloring pages (they are half sheets of paper, so two fit on each standard 8.5×11 piece of paper) of saints who have feast days in that month, with each page including a border that can be colored in and the saint’s name and feast day.
Saints included in the January coloring book:- Saint Basil
- Saint Thomas Aquinas
- Saint Agnes of Rome (here is a whole packet on Saint Agnes)
- Saint Genevieve
- Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
- Saint Sebastian
- Saint Brigid of Ireland
- Saint Valentine (Saint Valentine Printables Packet)
- Our Lady of Lourdes
- Saint Blaise
- Saint Agatha
- Saint Scholastica
- Saint Agnes of Bohemia
- Saint Benjamin
- Saint Joseph (Saint Joseph Printables Packet)
- Saint Katharine Drexel (Saint Katharine Drexel Printables Packet)
- Saint Matilda
- Saint Patrick (Saint Patrick Printables Packet)
- Saint Isidore of Seville
- Saint Catherine of Siena
- Saint Mark
- Saint Gemma Galgani
- Saint Bernadette
- Saint George (Saint George Printables Packet)
- Saint Dominic Savio
- Saint Joan of Arc
- Saint Philip of Neri
- Saint Damien of Molokai
- Our Lady of Fatima
- Saint Rita
- Saint Anthony of Padua
- Saint Peter (Saint Peter Printables Packet)
- Our Lady of Perpetual Help
- Saint Aloysius Gonzaga
- Saint Thomas More
- Saint John the Baptist
- Saint Maria Goretti
- Saint Ignatius of Loyola
- Our Lady of Mount Carmel
- Saint Benedict
- Saint Veronica
- Saint Kateri Tekakwitha
- Saint Rose of Lima
- Saint Maximilian Kolbe
- Saint Augustine
- Saint Monica
- Saint Clare
- Saint Dominic
- Saint Teresa of Calcutta (Saint Teresa of Calcutta / Mother Teresa Printable Packets)
- Saint Jerome
- Saint Vincent de Paul
- Saint Peter Claver
- Our Lady of La Salette
- Saint Matthew
- Saint Therese of Lisieux (Saint Therese of Lisieux Printables Packet)
- Saint Luke
- Saint Gerard
- Saint Francis of Assisi (Saint Francis of Assisi Printable Packet)
- Saint Faustina Kowlaska
- Saint Teresa of Avila
- Saint Martin de Porres
- Saint Andrew
- Saint Cecilia
- Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini
- Saint Albert the Great
- Saint Margaret of Scotland
- Saint Barbara
- Saint Stephen
- Our Lady of Guadalupe (Our Lady of Guadalupe and Saint Juan Diego Printables Packet)
- Saint Nicholas
- Saint Ambrose
- Saint Juan Diego
You have a few options for putting together your saints coloring book. I don’t know about you, but I love having options.
So, here are the options that I have for you on this coloring book:
1. Print this on two pages using duplex printing
If your printer allows for duplex printing (or you are cool with how to manually do this with your printer – it’s different on all of them, so I can’t really help there), you can print the first page of the book on one side of the paper and the second page of the book on the other side of the paper. Then, do the same with one piece of paper and the third and four page of the book.
Once I had my two double-sided pages ready, I just folded them in half and made them into a book. I used my long reach stapler to fasten them together in the middle. Easy peasy.
Or, you can always just fold them together and then use a regular stapler to staple the fold together. So many options.
2. Print the pages single-sided and cut them apart
If you don’t want to mess with double-sided copying or you just don’t want the coloring pages to be back-to-back, you can print out the four pages of the printable and cut them in half to get your eight page coloring book. Then, just assemble in the order of your choosing and staple them together.
3. Don’t make them in to a book at all
Follow the second suggestion up until that stapling part. This is good if you only want to give kids one half-page at a time.
There is a whole page included in the download with terms of use and what is allowed and what is not. Please check it out. Using the printable means you agree to the terms. Thanks!
In short, however, this is a paid product and you should not be sharing it with anyone (unless you buy a large group use and someone falls within that use, like another teacher at your school with the large group use purchase only). You cannot upload this file online or make it available to anyone else whether for profit or for free.
Just – be cool. I do these things to help my family, so don’t do things that would take away from that. Thanks!
Purchase the Saints Coloring Books Printables BundleOn the product page for the Saints Coloring Books Bundle, you will choose between two usage options:
- Personal, Family, or Single Classroom Use – Just like it sounds. If you’re just going to use this with your family or a single classroom (think 30 kids or less), this is the option to pick.
- Large Group, Multiple Classrooms, or Parish Use – Again – just like it sounds. If you’re using this with lots of kids, multiple classrooms, or a whole church, this is what you should purchase.
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