These truffles have a deep chocolatey flavor with a little bit of background tanginess from the champagne. Their texture is firm but just as creamy and melt-in-your-mouth as you could hope for.
Thursday, November 30, 2017
Champagne Chocolate Truffles
What to Stock Up on in December - Frugal Family Home
A quick list of what to stock up on in December. When you stock up on sale you can really save all year long.
There’s always a lot of shopping to do during the Christmas season but there are also good buys to be had and things to stock up on that can save you money through the new year too. Put aside a little money in your budget this month to take advantage of these good deals.
Thanksgiving is done, Black Friday and Cyber Monday has passed but that doesn’t mean all the good deals are gone. This quick list of items can help you know what to watch for this month to stock up on.
What to stock up on in DecemberThanksgiving Clearance, As you are walking past the clearance areas be sure to check for good deals on thanksgiving items. Decorations, table runners, turkey carving items and other Thanksgiving-related items will be on sale. Pick them up at clearance prices for next year.
Photo Deals, In December, is a great time to think about having your photos printed to put into scrapbooks. You know all those great photos you’ve taken all year long and they are just sitting there on your phone or camera. Before you run out of room send them in to be printed. This month there should be a few good photo deals for printing photos as well as photo gifts to give.
Christmas and New Years Items, Christmas and New Years are big eating holidays and you’re sure to find some great deals on goodies to serve. Items like ham, eggnog, instant potatoes, rolls, cranberry sauce, crackers, and deli plates.
Baking Items, Last month the baking items started to go on sale and this month they continue to be at good prices. Items like flour, sugar, pie crusts, butter, cream, canned milk, marshmallows, and even seasonings. Be sure to stock up and save while the prices are good.
Canned Food, Winter is a good time to stock up on canned foods. They last quite a while so you can really stock up when you find a good deal. This month be on the lookout for broth, soups, pasta sauces, fruit and vegetables to be at good prices.
Toys, You’re sure to find good deals on toys before Christmas but after Christmas can also be a good time to get a few toys at great prices too. Tuck these toys away in a gift closet and when you need a gift for a child you’ll already have a stock to choose from.
Tools and Hardware, December is a good month for sales on tools. If someone on your Christmas list is looking for drills, wrenches, or general tool sets be on the lookout for good deals on those this month.
Christmas Decorations, Wait until after Christmas to get the best deals on holiday decorations, fake Christmas trees, and more. Also, stock up on red items that can be used for Valentine’s Day. After Christmas is a great time to replace those decorations and lights that are wearing out and save before next year’s holiday.
Kitchen Items, With all the baking going on and the gifts to purchase there are sure to be good deals on kitchen items. Things like bakeware, cutlery sets, cookware and small appliances.
Clothing, After Christmas is over is a great time to take advantage of winter clothing sales. You should be able to find good deals on slippers, socks, gloves, hats, scarves, sweaters and more. Be on the lookout for great sales on overstock of items the stores want to move out.
In-Season Produce, this month the fruits and vegetables that are in season and should be at good prices are….
Beets, Broccoli, Brussels Sprouts, Cabbage, Carrots, Oranges, Lemons, Tangerines, Grapefruit, Kale, Parsnips, Pomegranates, Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Turnips, Radishes, and Winter Squash.
That’s what to stock up on in December. What items are you looking forward to finding on sale this month?
10 Activities for Catholic Families in December {Printable}
I’ve been updating the Catholic family activity pages since earlier this fall. After a busy November, I have a newly updated version of the 10 Activities for Catholic Families in December printable available now. This is such a great time of year to spend some really meaningful time with your family. I hope that you’ll take this as an opportunity to do that!
All of the excitement of Advent and Christmas, as well as the start of a new liturgical year, makes December a perfect time to weave in some faith formation activities into your month.
Note: Just in case you prefer the old look, I’ll leave the link to download the older version near the new version’s download link.
As always, many of these activities would even be great to do with non-Catholic families. So, pick and choose what works for you. You can always cut off the title after you print it out if it doesn’t apply to your family. You could just print out the sheet and cut out the specific activities you would like to do. Easy peasy!
(The downloadable printable is farther down in this post)
1. Pray for missionaries all over the world who are spreading God’s Word. To extend this activity, see what your family can do to help those doing a mission. (Saint Francis Xavier’s Feast Day is December 3rd.)
2. Fill your children’s shoes with small gifts or wrapped candies while they’re asleep to celebrate Saint Nicholas’ Feast Day on December 6th.
3. Attend Mass on Christmas Day (December 25th) and the Feast of the Immaculate Conception (December 8th). Both are Holy Days of Obligation.
Quick Note: In some years, Holy Day of Obligation may not require Mass attendance because of the day of the week they fall on. However, I like to leave them on the printable. I think it’s still important to be mindful of them as important days and ones that are usually a Holy Day of Obligation.
4. Have a Mexican-themed dinner with roses as decorations to celebrate the feast days of Saint Juan Diego (December 9th) and Our Lady of Guadalupe (December 12th). You can make your own paper roses with this template and directions.
5. Plan to give a gift (or three) to Jesus this year to celebrate His birthday. Jesus taught us that when we help those in need, we are helping Him. Find a way to give a Christmas gift to someone who is particularly in need this year.
6. Try one of these fun hands-on Nativity themed activities.
7. If there is on within traveling distance, visit a Living Nativity. If this is not possible, set up your family’s Nativity scene and have a discussion about what the sights, sounds, and even smalls may have been.
8. Read one of the Gospel accounts of the birth of Jesus on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day. Wait until then to add Jesus to your family’s Nativity scene. Ask the youngest family member to add Him to the crèche. (Or you can give the honor to someone different each year.)
9. Brainstorm with your family things you can do to live more like the Holy Family. Plan to do at least one of those things before the end of the month. (The Feast of the Holy Family is the first Sunday after Christmas.)
10. Choose an activity that will help babies, such as donating to a crisis pregnancy center, praying for babies in danger around the world, or even just spending time with a special baby in your lives. (The Feast of the Holy Innocents is December 28th.)
Want even more ideas for activities for Advent and Christmas? You might consider also grabbing one (or both) of these free printables:
Terms of Use for the 10 Activities for Catholic Families in December PrintableThis download is free for personal or classroom use. You may also share it in a church bulletin or newsletter. However, the copyright credit line must be included. This just means that you need to make sure that you don’t accidentally cut off the line with the copyright information at the bottom of the printable when you are reproducing it to hand out.
This printable (and its contents) cannot be sold, published, or hosted on other websites. This includes, but is not limited to, the fact that this printable and all other printables from Real Life at Home should NOT be uploaded to church or school sites for others to download them there. That’s not only illegal, but it just stinks. Don’t do it.
If you want to pass along the printable, please feel free to share a link to this post (not directly to the printable) with others. Another great way to share it is to pin this post to Pinterest! Thanks!
Download the 10 Activities for Catholic Families in December Printable Download the 10 Activities for Catholic Families in December Printable Download the Older Version of the Ten December Activities for Catholic Families Printable*If you are having clarity issues with the printable, it might be because of your web browser. I have some ideas that might help though.
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Wednesday, November 29, 2017
Pressure Cooker Guinness Beef Stew
You guys, I get so much joy out of converting slow cooker recipes into brand spanking new versions for the electric pressure cooker.
There are so many advantages to doing this! Everything cooks much faster, so there’s no need to plan ahead—yet you can also leave the food on the “Keep Warm” setting if you don’t get to it right away. Total flexibility., November 28, 2017
Soft Baked Gingersnap Cookies - Frugal Family Home
When you hear the word gingersnap cookies, you probably think of a spicy, crisp cookie. But these soft baked gingersnap cookies have less snap and more softness when you bite into them.
If you want to make your own soft baked gingersnap cookies scroll on down to watch the video and grab the printable recipe too.
I have to be honest, I never really liked gingersnap cookies. They were too crisp and too spicy for my tastes. But when I made this recipe for soft baked cookies years ago, my mind changed on gingersnap cookies.
There is something about biting into a soft and flavorful cookie that is so satisfying. These cookies really do aim to please.
With a great bite and a burst of ginger spice when you bit into them you’ll want to eat the whole batch at once.
Some of the links in this post are my referral links. When you purchase through them I can make a little money at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support in this way. See my disclosure policy for more information.
Add the bit of crisp sweetness from the outside sugar coating and I think they are almost the perfect cookie.
Want to Make a Batch of these Soft Baked Gingersnap Cookies?Watch the recipe video below for the step-by-step tutorial of this recipe. Keep on scrolling for the printable recipe and tips for baking these soft baked gingersnap cookies below.
Tips for Making Soft Baked Gingersnap CookiesDon’t skip the shortening in this recipe. These cookies to get the right texture you really need to use shortening instead of butter. It does make a difference so just for this recipe don’t substitute for butter.
Want to avoid the regular shortening at the store, try this shortening instead. Its non-hydrogenated, vegan, and organic too.
Mix the flour with the spices and other dry ingredients first in a medium bowl. Mix it with a whisk to make sure the spices are mixed in well.
Scrape down the bowl about half way through when mixing the dry ingredients with the wet ingredients. To make sure all the dry ingredients get mixed in well.
When baking be careful not to over bake the cookies. You want to bake them just until they are set and the tops start to crack.
If the cookies are baked too long, they will be crisper and less soft baked. But still delicious.
How to Freeze this Gingersnap Cookie DoughOnce you have the dough mixed, place half the dough on a piece of waxed paper.
Roll the dough into a log and wrap in the waxed paper.
Place the wrapped gingersnap dough into a freezer bag or wrap in foil. Label and freeze for later.
To make cookies from frozen
Thaw the dough and cut into 3 pieces. Cut one of those 3 pieces of dough into 12 pieces. Roll the pieces into balls and then roll in sugar and bake as directed in the recipe.
- 1 cup Shortening
- 1¼ cups Sugar
- 2 Eggs
- ½ cup Molasses
- 3½ cups Flour
- 1 teaspoon Salt
- 1 tablespoon Baking Soda
- 1½ teaspoons Cinnamon
- 1 tablespoon Ground Ginger
- Extra Sugar for Rolling
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
- In a medium sized bowl, add flour, salt, baking soda, cinnamon, and ground ginger. Mix with a whisk until spices and mixed in well.
- In a large sized bowl, add the shortening and sugar. With a hand mixer cream them until fluffy.
- To the shortening mixture add the eggs and molasses. Mix with the mixer until mixed well.
- Add the flour mixture to the shortening mixture and mix with hand mixer until the flour is well incorporated.
- Roll dough into teaspoon sized balls and roll in the sugar, to coat all side.
- Place on a lined cookie sheet and bake for 8-10 minutes or until the cookies are set and the tops have started to crack.
- Remove from oven and let sit on cookie sheet for a few minutes. Then gently move them to a cooling rack to finish cooling.
How Much does a Batch of These Easy Ginger Cookies Cost?
I try to figure the cost of the recipes I make. When I know the price it costs for the ingredients for each recipe, I know if it’s less expensive to make it at home or purchase it at the store.
If the cost is close I have to factor in the yumminess factor of the store-bought to the homemade. Homemade always wins here. So if it’s an easy recipe and costs about the same as store-bought homemade is gonna win every time.
If you are making these yummy cookies to give as a gift or to save money, knowing how much they cost to make is important.
This recipe makes 72 cookies. Enough to bake half and freeze half of the dough for later. For an even easier way to make cookies later on.
The store-bought molasses cookies (it’s the closest cookie I could find that was soft baked like these gingersnaps at the store) come in a package of 12 for $2.50. Making each cookie about $.21.
The batch of homemade soft baked gingersnap cookies cost $1.94 to make. That works out to be just $.02 a cookie not too bad at all.
If you are looking for a soft baked gingersnap cookie to bake at home, these would be great to try. They are easy to whip up; the recipe makes enough to make some and freeze some for later too. Plus they are great to give as a gift.
Do you like your gingersnap cookies more crisp or soft?
Pin it for Later…
More Cookie Recipes to Try
Peanut Butter and Jelly Cookies
Sugar Cookies
Cornflake Cookies
SaveSave Doodles (Snickerdoodle Coffee Cake) + First Look at BraveTart Cookbook
“So I have a complaint about your snickerdoodle recipe!” I told New York Times bestselling author Stella Parks as I interviewed her recently at Omnivore Books.
Stella and I have been friends for years, but I had to be honest with her. “How come your snickerdoodle recipe uses baking powder? For me, classic snickerdoodles have baking soda and cream of tartar!”, November 27, 2017
Celebrate Advent with Family: Free Advent Activities Printable
Post Preview: In this post, you’ll find an Advent Activities Printable Set that is perfect for making this Advent a more meaningful and mindful time for your family. There are also some extra Advent resources and activities.
I have spent the last several months feeling overwhelmed. Who am I kidding? It hasn’t just been several months. It’s been a lot longer than that.
Do you ever have those kinds of stretches of time too? It just seems like there is so much to do, but I just can’t quite get the right focus (or time) to get it all done.
With Advent approaching, it is the perfect time to slow down and do some meaningful things in the world. In order to help you and your family find a more meaningful and mindful Advent this year, I have a free Advent Activities Printable Set.
Well, first, there are actually two different sets. They are almost identical, but with a few differences. First, I made the standard set. Then, I changed out five or six of the activities on that set to Catholic Advent activities. So, when you pick an option to download (it’s totally free, by the way – you don’t even have to opt into my email list), you’ll either pick the Advent Activities Printable Set or the Advent Activities Printable Set (Catholic Version).
Each of these free Advent Activities Printable Sets includes four pages. You’ll probably only pick one of those pages to print, but I wanted to give some options.
There are two black and white versions. They are extremely similar, other than the fact that the items are in boxes on one of the versions. I thought this would be nice in case you wanted to cut the activities apart, fold them up, and then randomly pick an activity.
The black and white versions would also be perfect for printing in a church bulletin, sending home with students (especially if you put it on some purple paper, perhaps), or just for those that don’t have color printers or who want to save on printer ink.
There are also two versions that have colored backgrounds. One is purple since that’s the liturgical color of Advent. My favorite, however, has a galaxy background. Now, you might think that’s random, but Advent is a dark time of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. I wanted to celebrate that but in a beautiful and wonderous way.
In your home, you could decide to print out one copy for the whole family to work on or you may decide to print each person out their own printable.
You can decide that you want to do as many of the activities for Advent as possible or you might make a goal to do a certain number of the 26 activities on the printable. Some will be simple and quick, while others will take more time.
I purposefully made this printable in a way that you could tailor it to your family’s needs. Just mark off things off (or color in the star) as you do them in any order you wish.
Want to try a different kind of Advent Printable for Your Family? Here are some other Advent, Christmas, and December options:
Terms of Use for the Free Advent Activities Printable SetThis download is free for personal or classroom use. It can also be put into church bulletins or newsletters, but the copyright credit line must be included (which just means that you need to make sure that you don’t accidentally crop off the line with the copyright information at the bottom of the printable when you are reproducing it).
Important: It cannot be included in a publication that is larger than a single school or parish without first contacting me to discuss details and cost.
It cannot be sold, published, or hosted on other websites. (This also means that churches and schools should NOT post a copy of this printable on their website. A link to this site is great. Having the printable on your site is not only not great, but it’s super unkind.)
If you want to pass along the printable, please feel free to share a link to this post (not directly to the printable) with others. Thanks! (Please don’t assume about the terms of use. You can read more details about terms of use here.)
If you use a lot of free printables from Real Life at Home, you might consider making a small donation to help us continue to offer all these freebies.
Note: These are large files. If you have a slow Internet connection, you will need to be patient with the download.
Download the Advent Activities Printable Set Download the Advent Activities Printable Set (Catholic Version)Wanting to add more to your family’s Advent observances? Here are a couple resources that might be helpful:
*Having clarity issues with printables? Your web browser may be to blame. Don’t worry though – I can help!
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The post Celebrate Advent with Family: Free Advent Activities Printable appeared first on Real Life at Home. Chicken with Peppers and Olives
I thought it would be easy to duplicate the Basque chicken I had several times on the French side of the Basque region (the area straddles the border between France and Spain). But the versions I tried were all so different!
While they always include hot or mild peppers, tomatoes, and something meaty like ham or sausage, it was hard to pin down the mildly spicy sauce I prefer. 25 Best Holiday Cookies for Your Dessert Table
Cookie season is here! Are you ready to roll, drop, shape and cut out to your heart’s—and belly’s—content? Here are some of our favorites for the holiday cookie tray.
What cookies are you going to make this year? Plan (Cyber) Monday - Frugal Family Home
It’s Monday and time to get our meal plans ready for the week!
Some of the links in this post are my affiliate links. When you purchase through them I can make a little money at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support.
It’s not just Monday it’s cyber Monday. Are you shopping for any deals today?
If you’d like to have your meal planning done for you, be sure to check out $5 dinners cyber Monday sale.
You can save 20% on the 6 month and 12 month meal plans from $5 dinners. There is the classic meal plan and a gluten-free meal plan.
No coupon code needed just click here, pick your plan, and checkout it’s that easy.
If you want to get your freezer stocked with freezer meals before the Christmas rush starts. Check out my chicken freezer cookbook and pork freezer cookbook. You can make 8 meals for the freezer in about an hour, with no cooking ahead at all.
If you are looking for ideas for this week take a peek at what’s cooking at our house this week below.
All of our extra turkey from Thanksgiving has been tucked away into the freezer in the form of soup kits. Because after two days of eating turkey, I was done with turkey for a while.
We will be having a few family favorite meals this week that are easy to prepare.
What’s cooking at your house this week?
Here are our Meals for this Week,Dinners
Beef Stew, Dinner Rolls, and Salad
Stir Fry Chicken and Vegetables with Rice
Beef and Celery over Noodles, Salad, and Fruit
Waffles, Sausage, and Eggs
Pizza Pockets and Salad
Southern Fried Tofu, Salad, and Fruit
Leftovers most days
Tuna Sandwiches, Chips, and Fruit
Beef Biscuit Cups and Salad
Toast with Eggs
Baked Chocolate Donuts, Eggs, and Sausage
Caramel Apple Oatmeal, Egg, Sausage, and Toast
Do you need help planning your menu? Find my menu planning tips here with a free printable menu planner page and here for my frugal menu planning tips.
Find more menu plan ideas at Org Junkie too.
This post contains affiliate links. Thanks for your support., November 26, 2017
Snowman Chocolate Icebox Cake
This chocolate icebox cake was a standby at my grandmother’s house. She made hers in a loaf pan, turned it out, and covered it in icing. Then she served it sliced paper-thin, on the diagonal, which showed off all the delicious layers.
It is no surprise that later in life, with a family of my own, I started making this same cake as a holiday treat. Grocery Haul, 2 Store Haul - Frugal Family Home
Did you do any shopping this Black Friday? I went grocery shopping on Friday evening but decided to avoid the stores in the morning.
I did find a couple good deals at the grocery store though. One great deal was a black Friday deal at Fred Meyer. I was able to get 8 ounces of cheese for just $.99 not bad at all.
I found a few good deals also at Winco foods. They had eggs for just $.78 a dozen so I picked up four dozen and the sausage we like was also just $.92 a package. Both of these items I forgot to put on the table for the video.
See all my full grocery haul below in the video.
Best Deals This Budget Grocery HaulFlour 10 lb $2.98
Cheese $.99 for 8 oz
Green Pepper $.78
Cookies $.94/pkg
Bread $.89
Crackers $1.67
Onions $1.78 for 5 lbs
Eggs $.78 for dozen (forgot to put on table for video)
Brown and Serve Sausage $.92 per package
Total spent this trip $60.45. I spent $13.44 at Fred Meyer and Winco Foods $47.01. Not too bad for our family of 4.
What Black Friday deals did you find this week?, November 25, 2017
Candy Cane Cookies
Practically everyone has lived through one of those crazy roommate situations — the kind that provides fodder for endless cocktail stories. These stories that are amusing in retrospect, but never fun when they are actually happening. (One of mine actually involved a missing python snake in our apartment.)
But every now and then, something decent comes from all the insanity. One of my favorite memories from an otherwise mismatched roommate situation is learning how to make candy cane cookies. Plan for November Week 5
I don’t know about you, but here in Central Texas it’s getting cold. With the cold and the hustle-and-bustle of the holidays, I always feel like everyone gets really short tempered. Better to stay indoors!
Since I’m trying to keep the number of times I have to venture outside to a minimum, that means making sure my pantry is stocked and my recipes are versatile enough to handle a change of plans. I’m also doubling up several dishes so we have plenty of leftovers.
Alas, I’m saying “See you later” to my grill until warmer months, but it also means having more time with my toasty oven! With This: Magazine Files!
Or are you up for some organizing? Maybe not today, but some last minute end-of-year sprucing before Christmas entertaining begins?
When I search for storage, I always try to consider how it can be re-used down the road as our needs change and our family evolves. I aim to select things that will stand the test of time and continue to be used and purposeful for many years to come. One of my "go-to" organizers is the not too expensive but always dependable magazine file, and I am guessing many of you have these hanging out in your homes also! Yes, they are perfect for managing that stack of glossy paged goodness, but they really can be utilized in infinite ways.
Below find 15 quick and easy ways to organize all around your home using basic magazine holders, and at the end, I share the easiest crafty hack for adding even more functionality to an already awesome organizer.
One thing to note is that these holders come in a variety of materials, typically metal, plastic and cardboard, and some of these suggestions work best with more durable or easy-to-clean finishes.
O N E // In the kitchen use them for disposables/paper products; include a small stack of plates, cups, napkins, and silverware for those last minute no-fuss meals.
T W O // Magazine files prevent water bottles from tipping and rolling around inside of cupboards or drawers.
T H R E E // Put together a small meal planning kit and include favorite recipes, food magazines, shopping lists, coupons, and a pen, and tuck it all away neatly inside of the pantry.
F O U R // Food packaging and wraps; magazine files help to keep them vertical so no stacking or rummaging is required.
F I V E // How about potholders and oven mitts?
S I X // Baking items; cookie cutters, sprinkles, whisks & spatulas and a hand mixer.
S E V E N // You know I am obsessed with using these bins in our fridge and freezer, but magazine files could definitely take on similar functions. Like lunch making caddies! Fill these handy helpers with all of your favorite lunch items and sides for on-the-spot meal making.
E I G H T // Also in the fridge, these can be used to hold fruits, veggies, breakfast items, yogurt, condiments, juices, etc...
N I N E // In the linen closet, magazine files can help to hold rolled sets of sheets (much easier than trying to fold them perfectly) and towels. They can also be labeled by person or room.
T E N // In the laundry room they can be used to hold stain remover, a lint roller, fabric shaver, starch, etc...
E L E V E N // In the bathroom, use one to hold hair tools (just be sure it is heat resistant or wait to add items until after they have cooled down).
T W E L V E // Hair products and toiletries; magazine files keep them organized under the bathroom sink.
T H I R T E E N // Cleaning products and rags, but again, be sure to select holders made out of an easy-to-clean material.
F O U R T E E N // Organize and corral paperwork to file and bills to pay. Most file folders are designs to fit nicely, especially these vertical types.
F I F T E E N // Turn one into a valet/charging station to hold daily items such as keys, change, wallet and phone.
Here is how to make that last one happen....
First, for cord management, I drilled a hole into the back of the box with a wide drill bit. You could also use a utility knife to cut through some types of material. I decided to add a decorative grommet to clean up the edges and prevent any future tearing.
To add "shelves" I went to the lumber department at Home Depot and picked up some cheapy hobby boards. (I believe I used these for the rails and these for the shelves.)
These lightweight boards are easy to cut to length with no need for power tools. For the rails, I simply used a ruler to draw a level pencil line inside the walls of the magazine file and affixed them with hot glue.
I debated about staining the project boards, but took the easy route and just wrapped them in adhesive shelf liner (this one for reference, which has unfortunately more than doubled in price since I purchased it earlier this year).
I love how this little hack really changes the overall functionality of the magazine file and becomes the perfect place for dropping daily necessities.
So tell me, do you already use magazine files for any of these functions, or do you have any additional ways to put them to work? Let's keep growing the list in the comments below!