A Little Summer Inspired Dresser Styling What is the first thing you see when you wake up? Depending on how much tossing and turning takes place, I either open my eyes to our dressing room or rise and see the wall across from our bed. That wall is where our dresser is located, and up until recently, it was a very neglected part of our bedroom.
I really wish I would have thought to take a before picture, but the styling wasn't actually something I ever planned on posting in the first place. It sort of just evolved over the course of the last week and I loved the outcome and decided it was worth mentioning.
So, just picture the white dresser with the too small yet very beautiful pink and navy abstract print above it. And the lamp. And random folded laundry. That is how the dresser had been "styled" for about the last year or so.
I actually initially picked
the lovely print from Minted with the intention of framing it and hanging it over our headboard. I looked for something that married masculinity and feminity in a single piece and was really drawn to this particular print for that very reason. Once I picked out the art, I taped out an area above the bed with painter's tape and took those very specific measurements online to
Frame-It-Easy to customize a frame. I knew I could remove a sliver from the top of the art to elongate it a bit over the bed, so I customized and ordered accordingly. Once the print and the frame arrived, I did cut down the print a small amount, but it wasn't enough and it looked very awkward over our headboard. That didn't mean that I didn't still love the art, I just didn't love it in the intended location. #storyofmylife The next best place was over the dresser because that area was sitting empty.
We moved the mirror to our master bath a couple of years ago and had yet to find a good replacement, so we hung the art and added a lamp and called it a day year.
I am always moving things around and playing with areas around our home, and when I was unpacking and putting clothes away in my closet earlier this week, I noticed a couple of hats up on a shelf. Lightbulb. Maybe they could help balance out the scale of the art and draw the eye up? Plus, the sunny hats were just too cute not to hang on the wall.
A couple of small tacks later and they were looking quite darling.
But something was still missing and the area needed more balance and even a bit more height. I held up three different frames, white, black and gold options, and liked that the brushed gold didn't compete with the existing frame. So I tacked that up as well.
I always try to be resourceful when it comes to filling our frames and do my best to get photos off of my phone. Last week I was traveling for work, and Bryan joined me during a trip to Chicago so we could also celebrate our 16th wedding anniversary. We stayed at a cozy and picturesque hotel which of course I snapped a picture of after checking out. I cropped the picture and printed it out and now it is a nice memory on display in our bedroom.
Awhile back
we DIY'd a marble serving tray that I use around the house quite a bit. I grabbed it so I could create a nice little vignette on the top of our dresser. I find that trays are really great at unifying a group of smaller objects so they are less harsh on the eyes.
I have had the acrylic box for quite some time now, I actually found it at a craft store of all places. It was a steal of a deal and is a great reminder that craft stores always have little "gems" for around the home.
And how sweet is that little blue lidded dish? I found it at a local antique shop and scooped it up to hold my favorite daily jewelry pieces.
I reach for the same jewelry 90% of the time so I like to keep my favorites here. The rest I display in our closet and will layer on or swap out for special occasions.
You all know that I believe in keeping fresh greens and florals sprinkled around our home as frequently as possible, and we have quite a few plants, shrubs and trees that I have been snipping from this summer. Wanting to create a little weight to balance the lamp, I cut a large bunch of branches and arranged them in a simple clear vase.
I prefer vases that taper a bit at the top for holding branches with more weight, it makes it much easier to arrange because they don't flop around or fall out as easily. And with fresh water changes, these branches should last at least a month or two.
The dresser is a hand-me-down from our family and we have had it for years but I sort of love the history and character of it. And the clean lines and hardware have allowed it to work well with just about anything we pair with it.
It is always so much fun when something small snowballs and biggers and ends up being even better than the original plan. Just spotting those hats caused me to add a few new things, shop our home and finally give this wall the attention it deserved.
In the end I did decide to share because although I wanted to make this area look effortless, it did take a little effort to get it figured out. I would add something and it would draw my eye in and challenge me to add something else. Then I would edit and remove something or try an item in a different color or scale. I hung the hats and art and then stepped back and adjusted. But for the most part, I just used things I already owned and gave our space new life. That is always the best, isn't it?
So yes to finding accessories at craft, thrift, and antique stores, or even DIY'ing them. Yes to adding fresh greenery from the yard. Yes to displaying things that make you happy. Yes to getting photos off of your phone and onto the wall. A double yes to displaying your favorite hats and accessories. And a final yes for changing things up on a whim.
This update feels like summer to me, but I think I will keep it up all year long. I am pretty positive it will be just what I need come February when I am counting down the days until spring from under a thick pile of down blankets.
Even if my style and your style are completely the opposite, I hope that I inspired you to find a blank wall or nook in your home and challenge yourself to make something fresh and new happen there. And even better yet, do it with things that you already have and enjoy and then tell me about it when you are done.
Have a fabulous and weekend everyone!

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